GLDPartners News Blog
19September, 2015
Maritime Growth Study: Keeping the UK competitive in a global market. Is this the whole story?
According to Lord Mountevans, the Maritime Growth Study: keeping the UK competitive in a global market was the culmination of many months of work involving widespread engagement and detailed research.
16September, 2015
Long-term infrastructure: Isn’t this all about economic development?
Seems like the leaders on this, and related federal infrastructure planning should be economic developers. But instead, transport issues are relegated to transport interests.
8July, 2015
Heathrow Expansion Faces Political, Legal Obstacles – But Is This The End Game?
The issue of expansion of Heathrow's runway capacity seems to be an all-consuming game for advocates, policy hangers-on and dissenters.
7July, 2015
Freight Planning Without An Associated Economic Development Plan?
Whether or not we like it or are willing to admit it, the silos are still firmly in-place.
1March, 2014
Intermodal: What does this mean to economic development?
In North America and Europe, our clients are exploring new supply chain solutions and the condition is dynamic.