GLDPartners News Blog
UK: Autonomous Vehicle Technology. This Telegraph article is a must read.
Though it's now 8 months old, I came across this article by Alan Tovey, Telegraph Industry Editor wrote a very good piece about the development of autonomous vehicle technology and the issues associated with adoption.
4 Keys to Helping Economic Development Soar through Airport Investment District Planning
See the article that Jim Brogan and I wrote about the keys to leveraging economic development at and around airports.
UK Infrastructure: Isn’t It About Real Business Competitiveness in Global Market?
Infrastructure to service residential developments is important but those people need good jobs and that will start with superior business-enabling infrastructure.
Increasing mode collaboration: A Trend? Yang Ming alliance w/ China Airlines
This article highlights air and ocean and the various kinds of mutual supports that can be provided to each other. Carrier collaboration is an interesting phenomenon for investors when thinking about logistics-oriented projects at and around airports and seaports.
3PL Evolution: What’s the Impact on Asset and Regional Competitiveness?
We're seeing major 3PL acquisitions and tie-ups practically every few weeks now. The industry is undergoing huge change as companies look to expand footprint, rationalize and make more efficient expanse structures and evolve their service offerings to clients.
UK “Northern Powerhouse”: The Future, or Another Round of Public Sector Folly
In a recent article in the publication SHDLogistics, Peter MacLeod talks about Peel Group's commitment to the so-called "Northern Powerhouse".