GLDPartners News Blog
US Dept of Commerce Partners w USC Marshall Center to Advance Nation’s Supply Chain
A strategic partnership with the USC Marshall Center for Global Supply Chain Management aimed at improving the global competitiveness of the nation’s supply chains was signed by U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker.
Congress on the Verge of Sending Water Resources Development Act of 2016 to President
The closest thing to a good old fashion bi-partisan infrastructure bill is about to go to the president. The bill, H.R. 5303, the Water Resources Development Act of 2016 (WRDA), contains an inventory of Corps [...]
Ethiopia-Djibouti Railway, Economic Development for Landlocked Markets
Chinese-built Ethiopia-Djibouti railway will officially open service on Wednesday to become Africa's first electric railway. The 752-km railway links the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa and the port of Djibouti in the Gulf of Aden country Djibouti. It will offer both passenger and freight services, although the operations will be freight-only at the outset.
Replacing the Trucker But Not the Truck – Technology Moving the Business Model
In a recent Los Angeles Times article, “Robots could replace 1.7 million American truckers in the Next Decade” goes into some detail on what the motor carrier industry has been looking at for awhile-addressing the driver shortage through some level of automation.
5 Things to Know About Pharma
In the course of our work, GLDpartners has amassed a compilation of industry intelligence on major sectors in the global economy. Over the next several months, we will be posting industry intelligence updates that seaports, airports, inland logistics centers and economic developers should find valuable as they work to understand how their customer base is changing. The first one up is the pharmaceutical industry.
GLDPartners Adds Engineering, Transportation/Development Planning Expertise
GLDPartners is pleased to announce that Dale Miller has joined the firm to head its engineering/ infrastructure and development planning work