Two class leaders Daimler Trucks and Waymo join-up.  Daimler has gotten very serious about leading the next generation of automated long-haul trucking via their Torc Robotics acquisition last year and now this with Waymo.  We’ve had the opportunity to work with both Daimler and Waymo over the past few years and understand this to be a very powerful combination.

GLDPartners Mobility Solutions is working with a range of automotive sector OEM and tech player companies on testing & development and regulatory projects in various locations.  GLDPartners is working with partners to build the platform for the next-generation multi-modal logistics hub, and we are embedding autonomous trucking into the core business plan.  We are working on several large-scale Inland Port Investment Districts which will have truck mobility complexes built as terminus hubs inside the project.  These assets will be strategic fueling/charging centers and purpose-designed hand-off points for mid-haul or short-haul deliveries and technology management centers.

Investment District strategies are built around client/shipper requirements for locating logistics (and associated production) assets at high efficiency business environments.  The specific focus of these projects are time and cost reduction and increases to overall supply chain efficiencies.  Improved supply chain metrics are achieved via a core multimodal platform, connectivity to load-center/supply chain hubs, advanced technology, renewable power grid and integrated infrastructure design.


Global Logistics Development Partners | GLDPartners works with global shippers on supply chain strategy and site location planning and develops projects at and around strategic seaport, inland port and airport logistics assets.  The firm is based in the US and conducts project work North America, Asia and Europe.  Learn more about Global Logistics Development Partners | GLDPartners.

About GLDPartners Mobility Solutions: GLDPartners is a recognized global authority around a range of supply chain, transportation & technology issues.  GLDPartners Mobility Solutions specializes in testing and development facilities, infrastructure project development, mobility sector economic development strategies and regional mobility strategies. Please see the company’s website: GLDPartners Mobility Solutions.  This post reflects editorial content with commentary about the subject matter referenced and is not intended to be promotional in nature.